At the heart of your family’s shopping experience is the custom website we will build and maintain for your school. Your school’s custom website will be clean, simple, and intuitive. Your families will love it! Take a look below and see for yourself...
All of our Partner Schools will be assigned a Partner School Number (PSN). We will ask you to share that number with your families. If parents enter the PSN number, child’s grade, and gender, they will be taken directly to your school’s shopping site, and they are on their way. What happens if parents do not know the PSN number? No worries at all! They may simply search via the school name and location tool.
Since most schools with uniform programs have both required and optional items, your school’s custom website allows parents to filter the assortment accordingly. They may select “Required”, “Meets Requirement”, or “Optional” to see all approved uniform items within each of these categories. The school administrator defines the products and colors that are assigned to each of the categories.
When an item is selected, the product page for that item will appear. On these product pages, you will find product details, full color images, and links to our size charts. You will then select your size range, size, color, and quantity. The logo details are predefined by the school administrator. If the logo is required, you will not be able to add the item to your shopping cart without it. If the logo is optional, you will be given the choice to apply it or not. If the logo is not allowed, no logo option will appear. Click ‘Add to Cart’ and the item(s) will be added to your cart. You will be prompted to either continue shopping or checkout.
You may click on the cart icon in the top right corner of the site at any time during the shopping process. From there, click ‘Go to Checkout’ to begin the checkout process. You will enter your shipping information, billing information, and form of payment. You’ll be able to track your order through the entire process and we offer a simple exchange and return process if necessary. Make sure to sign up for our email list to get exclusive deals and offers throughout the year!